PLEASE DON’T TOUCH offers a reflection on our relationship with the spaces we inhabit: how we take ownership of that relationship, and how violence scars it. This piece exists at the intersection of choreography, technology, femininity, and racial identity. 

A performance installation, PLEASE DON’T TOUCH consists of three transparent enclosures, each containing a female performer. On the outside of each enclosure, white painted sections frame the audience’s view and determine the limits of the performers’ movements. Videos of the dancer’s bodies on several of these sections rearrange the enclosures’ physical and temporal structure. The audience is invited to walk around and approach the enclosures as close as they feel comfortable.

Created by Sunhi Willa Keller in collaboration with the dancers

Performed by: Sydney Chow, Grace Yi-Li Tong, Garet Wierdsma

Installation built by Sunhi Willa Keller and William Mlekush

Installation materials: PVC, EVA, packing tape, and acrylic paint

Sound: “Beach Samba” by Walter Wanderley

Lighting Design: Ryan Marsh